Axelar Project

2 min readJan 14, 2022

Axelar provides a decentralized network and tools that help connect dApp developers to multiple blockchain ecosystems, applications, and users for a seamless cross-chain experience. Axelar consists of a set of protocols, tools, and APIs designed to remove barriers to interoperability. Powered by a decentralized open network of validators; anyone can join the network, use it, and build on it.

Platform developers can connect their blockchains to other ecosystems, and application developers can use a simple protocol and API to access global liquidity and connect with the entire ecosystem. The Axelar team has deep roots in distributed systems, consensus and cryptography. The enterprise is backed by Ventures, DCVC, Binance X, Coinbase , Lemniscap, Collab+Currency and more.

Over the next years, signicant applications and assets will be built on top of multiple blockchain ecosystems. Axelar network can be used to plug-in these blockchains into a uniform cross-chain communication layer. This layer provides routing and application-level protocols that meet both platform builders and application developers’ demands. Application developers can build on the best platforms for their needs and leverage a simple protocol and API to access global cross-chain liquidity, users, and communicate with other chains.

Axelar team


